Sunday, 5 June 2011


Well, I had a really nasty fall today and have fractured my elbow and broken my nose.
I am so fed up because it means I can't do my show in Stratford. I just can't finish my bears in time but I will be having an on-line show when I have finished them.
I am so sorry...I tripped over a hosepipe on the patio at my sisters house and in the space of about 10 seconds it all happened.I was 3 hours in A&E and have to attend the fracture clinic and ENT....
I am so sorry to let people down who were planning to come to the fair. 


  1. I'm sure everyone will understand, gentle (((((HUGS))))).

    PS, always knew gardening was bad for your health ;o)

  2. Oh my GOODNESS! I'm so sorry to hear that you took such a nasty tumble. Take good care of yourself. I'm sure everyone will understand--life happens.


  3. I'm so sorry! Ouch with knobs on :(

    As Katy said, everyone will understand.

    Treat yourself to a gin n tonic :)

    Healing hugs, Sarah x

  4. Oh heaven, I am so sorry for you. Of course also for all the bear that have to wait now, but first of all for your health. And I wish you good luck for the future and a fast healing of all broken parts!!!

    Sabine from Germany

  5. though i will miss your 3 o'clock bears, but really wish you focusing on your recovery, sure we'll wait for you, the coming show.

  6. Oh, Jenny, I am so very sorry to hear this! I pray you heal quickly! I know that collectors will be very understanding that you must take care of you right now.

  7. Oh No :( I am so sorry to read this. I hope you are feeling better.
