Sunday, 26 February 2012

A beautiful 'wild style' Bear on eBay

I am delighted and proud to show off this gorgeous 17 inch new style cub who I named Zachary...I gave him just a hint of the woods and trees and I really hope people like him. Though he seemed to take me forever I have really enjoyed building this piece of imagineering! I have worked on him long into every night this week, annoyed the hell out of my whole family by showing him at every stage...yet I saw making him as rather like reading a long, complicated but enthralling novel which  thoroughly taxed my brain yet, as soon as I finished it made me yearn to keep going.

He is on eBay with no reserve , and a starting price of £ I do hope he finds a lovely home. I shall miss him when he goes because has been hugged and cuddled nore than any bear I have ever made..

I do hope this style is popular...rather like my pups and kitties, rabbits and Ickle baby bears I am thinking outside the box and learning to channel my skills into new areas. That is not to say I am fed up with making cure bears...far from it..I have just found that pushing my own skills harder makes me understand them more... my limitations along with what I am good at... 
Anyway, with no further is ZACHARY along with the link to his auction page which is live right now and runs for 7 days.
Get in touch if you have any questions...


  1. He is the sweetest little thing. All the time you spent shows. He is lovely.

  2. He has all the sweetness of a real cubbie. I love how he moves. He is superb.

  3. Thanks so much ladies..really appreciate it. Joanne i so much appreciate you taking time to comment as I am a great fan of your work and so it means a great deal to me!!
