Thursday, 3 November 2011

Male cancer awareness

Last month my son Oliver was growing a humungous beard for the purpose of  joining in the 'Movember'  male cancer awareness fund raising drive that he and his work colleagues are taking part in to raise money for research. So far he has raised £35 (most of that from me !! LOL)  and could do with raising a bit more. Follow this link if you feel you could donate a £1 or 2 to help raise funds for research into these killer diseases which sadly do tend to get overlooked in the fund raising stakes. Men live on average 4 years less than women and prostate cancer is the most common cancer with 1 in 9 men suffering from it, with over 10,000 deaths per year in the UK alone. Testicular cancer affects younger men and with raised awareness if caught early is treatable. The problem with men is that they don't go to the doctor till it's become a problem, they don't chat to friends about it and they often bottle it up and ignore it till it's too late. The purpose of this fundraising event is to raise money research and for awareness programmes so men no longer feel that they can't talk about these things.
Have a look at the website...if only to see Olly and his work mates sporting their 'tashes!!

1 comment:

  1. Olly looks great (:o{)

    Just made a donation as its a great cause.
